An Encouraging Word from Pastor David Cronk
In Matthew chapter 5 it says that Jesus saw the multitudes, scores of people were seeking the living water that Jesus offered. Jesus knew that His time was limited and that He would not be able to reach all these people so He went up on a mountain and taught His disciples what it meant to follow after Him. The disciples did not know it at the time, but Jesus was training them to be missionaries, to share the only way to eternal life. After Jesus was crucified, died and was resurrected He met with the disciples and gave then their marching orders to make disciples of all men and to spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. We know this as the Great Commission.
Fast forward to today, the message is still the same, all of us, as His disciples, followers of Jesus, are commanded to go, sharing the good news of Jesus with those around us and teaching them to be His disciples, to walk closely with their Lord. This works for our “Jerusalem and Judea” the local areas around us. But what about “Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth”? How do we reach these folks for Jesus?
This is where Missions comes in. There are many opportunities to fulfill Jesus’ command for us and leave the comfort or our home and go out into the mission field to help reap the harvest of souls that is so plentiful.
For some being an “end of the earth” missionary is a lifelong commitment. They sell all they have and go, serving the rest of their lives in the mission field. For others Jesus has called as a short-term missionary, serving for a week or two at a time.
Since we are all called by Jesus to “Go” what if you cannot physically go to the end of the earth ourselves? What can we do? We can support those who go by praying for them. We can stand alongside them as they serve wherever we are.
We can also “Go” by providing financial support. When we give to the Newlife Children’s Home we are tangibly showing God’s love to the very least. We are feeding these children the Bread of Life both physically and spiritually. When we give to Cross to Light we are helping to support church plants across Haiti. The poor in spirit are becoming rich in Christ. When we give to Hope Central in Watts we are reaching people who have never experienced the Love of Jesus, we are setting the captives free.
At the end of the day Jesus has called all of us into the mission field in some form or fashion. The question is, how and where has He called you to go? "I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us' Then I said, 'Here I am! Send me.'" Isaiah 6:8